Small Business Ideas for Teens

12 Easy Small Business Ideas for Teens to Start

Are you a teenager looking to start a business and make some extra money? You’re in luck! There are plenty of business ideas out there that are perfect for teens. 

Whether you’re looking to start a home-based business or an online venture, there’s something for everyone. 

In this article, we’ll explore 12 unique and profitable teenage entrepreneurs’ ideas that will help you understand where and how to start your own business. So, let’s get started!

1. Academic Tutoring

If you excel in a particular subject, why not become an academic tutor? 

Many students struggle with Math, science, writing, or reading, and they could benefit from your expertise. 

You can offer one-on-one tutoring sessions or help students prepare for standardized tests like the SATs or ACT. 

With flexible hours and the ability to work from home, academic tutoring is a great business idea for teens.

2. Car Washing

Everyone loves a clean car, but not everyone has the time to wash it themselves. That’s where you come in! 

Starting a car washing business is simple and requires minimal investment. All you need is a bucket, a soft sponge, a window cleaner, and elbow grease. 

You can offer your services in your neighborhood and even expand to include mobile car washing for added convenience.

3. Babysitting or Child Care

Babysitting has always been a popular business idea for teens, and for good reason. Many parents need reliable and trustworthy babysitters to care for their children. 

You can offer your services on weekends or during the week after school. 

To stand out from the competition, consider taking local classes on child care and babysitting to enhance your skills and knowledge.

4. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

If you love animals, why not turn your passion into a business? 

Pet sitting and dog walking are great options for teens who want to spend time with furry friends while making money. 

As a pet sitter or dog walker, you’ll have flexible hours, and your clients will provide all the necessary supplies. It’s a win-win situation!

5. Lawn Care Business

If you’re already mowing the lawn at home, why not turn it into a business? Starting a lawn care business is one of the best business ideas for teens. 

With minimal investment and the ability to market your services in your neighborhood, you can build a client list and make money during your free time. 

The summer months are especially popular for lawn care services.

6. House Cleaning Services

Are you a pro at keeping your own house clean? Why not offer your cleaning services to others? 

Homeowners are often willing to pay a teenager to help them with dusting, mopping, and vacuuming. You can advertise your services locally and build a client base quickly.

7. House Sitting

During summer and school breaks, many families go on vacation and need someone to look after their homes. 

Starting a housesitting business can be an excellent way for teens to earn extra money while providing a valuable service to their community. 

You can offer services like collecting mail, watering plants, and performing other minor tasks while homeowners are away.

8. Errand-Running

If you have a driver’s license and access to a vehicle, consider offering errand-running services. 

Many people, especially those home-bound or with limited mobility, need help with various tasks. 

By running errands for your neighbors or friends, you can start a flexible business and make money while assisting others.

9. Seasonal Chores

Seasonal chores like putting up holiday decorations, shoveling snow, and raking leaves are tasks that many homeowners don’t have time for. 

As a teenager, you can offer services for these seasonal chores and make money during specific times of the year. It’s a great way to earn extra cash while helping your community.

10. Handmade Crafts

If you’re artistic and enjoy crafts, why not turn your talents into a business? You can create and sell handmade crafts either at local craft fairs or online. 

Whether it’s jewelry, pottery, or artwork, there’s a market for unique handmade items. Consider setting up your website or selling on platforms like Etsy to reach a larger audience.

11. Greeting Card Making

One specific craft idea for teens is making greeting cards. Handwritten notes are returning, and personalized designs or artistry can make your cards stand out. 

You can create and sell greeting cards for various occasions, catering to friends and family who value the personal touch.

12. Blogging

If you have a passion for writing and a specific topic you’re knowledgeable about; blogging can be a great business idea for you as a teen. 

While it may take time to grow an audience and generate revenue, blogging offers the opportunity to partner with advertisers and affiliate partners in the future. 

With some tech know-how and a knack for writing, you can turn your blog into a profitable venture.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Other Examples of Small Business Ideas for Teens Online?

Apart from local businesses, teens can explore various online business ideas, such as being a social media influencer, web designer, tutoring, making handmade crafts sales, and blog writer. 

Additionally, they can offer virtual assistance, sell digital products, or provide online tech support. 

These ventures allow teens to leverage their skills and interests, fostering entrepreneurship while operating within the digital realm.

Is Custom Artwork a Good Small Business Idea for Girl Students?

Yes, custom artwork can be a successful business idea for girls students. It allows them to showcase their creativity and earn income through personalized pieces. 

With online platforms and social media, they can reach a broader audience, attracting customers interested in unique and meaningful artwork. 

This venture also provides valuable entrepreneurial experience and a flexible schedule for students.


As a teen, these 12 small cool business ideas offer you a diverse range of opportunities to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey and earn extra income. 

From academic tutoring to seasonal chores, pet sitting to blogging, each great small business idea caters to different interests and skill sets.

The flexibility of these ventures also allows a balance between studying, owning a lucrative business, and gaining valuable entrepreneurial experience. 

Whether offering services in your neighborhood or exploring online platforms, you can showcase your talents and creativity. 

With minimal investment and a proactive approach, these teen business ideas empower young entrepreneurs to turn their passions into profitable ventures, fostering a sense of independence and financial responsibility.

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